Saturday, December 26, 2009

Time story Con"t

When I last was telling the story of time I told you I would tell you where time goes-------Here is the secert of time and where it goes. Just stop and think---- Time does not go any where it is us that goes. Time is always with us no matter where we go. It always will, just like when time started. We move around time sometime is light and sometime it is in the dark. It is always there waiting for us to get started. Well there you have it, that's all I know about time and as for the story about the man or person well it could be true or it could be just a story. I guess you will have to decide. It's been fun. I don't know what I will write about next time but when I do, it will be interesting... MIKE

Thursday, December 24, 2009

I told you I would be back to tell you about where time is going and where to fine it if you lost time in some shape or another.
It all started along time ago when I met the only survivor from a land a long time gone. In our chance meeting he told me the secret of time and where it goes when we lose it. If by chance you should meet this person and I don't think you will because he only is visible at certain (times), and I am the only one that knows that time. Would you believe that I was the one to receive this information. This story all started a little over a thousand years ago. Do you want to tell me that you want to hear the rest of the story. hahahahahahahaha. You will have to wait because it is almost Christmas ans I don't want to cut in on SANTA'S TIME HOHOHOHOHOHOHO More later!!! Remember this is the time of Jesus birth the savior of the world.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Where did time go con't

      Hey I'm back.  Has time slipped away and did you see it go, hahahahaha I worked all day and I forgot about the time and before I knew about it it was 4:00. I knew what I did but as for time I didn't think to watch where it went. I'll try again tomorrow and try to see if I can tell where it went.
      Time is a strange thing, it is almost invisable, well I guess it is. Come to think of it I think I saw one driving down the highway but as for what it look like I don't know. Sound crazy well look the next time you are driving and try to see what mister time looks like or is it miss or mrs. time. It might be fun. See you later and if you see them let me know so I'll know where time is going    Smile it could be fun+++++++++  more tomorrow  mrm

Monday, December 21, 2009

Letting time get away

Have you ever heard I don't know where the time went!!!!!!!!

Well we are going to look into it and see if we can discover just where time goes.

This is my thoughts only and you may have your thoughts, so if you do you are invited to share them and they are welcome.

Time is a funny thing, you can't see it or feel it well maybe you can feel it. It just seems you go throught the day and before you know it, it is time to go to bed .. You just say wow am I tired, but what you don't realize time has just past and if you don't use it wisely it is gone forever.

Do you think this can happen to you? When you get up tomorrow try to keep track of it. If you aren't careful time will keep on going while you just stand still and hours will go by and I WONDER WHERE THOSE HOUR WENT, ( more tomorrow)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Thing I like to write about

Thing I like to write about

When you think things can't go wrong, they almost always do. Take for instance the watch you have and you want to tell time without error. Just when you think it is right'', the time zone changes or the battery goes dead. Who needs a watch anyway. Is time that important? You tell me. I think I could do without it, well at least for a while. Have you ever tried it, well DO IT. If you are retired and you don't have to punch a TIME clock. Just try not looking at a watch , clock or any kind of time piece. IT COULD BE A LONG DAY hahahahahahahahaha by now

Saturday, December 19, 2009

This is my first post so here goes.

It snowed some today and the air was brisk and cool, well maybe cold. It remined me of years gone by when I was little. I thought the snow was wonderful and could play out in it all day long. Well maybe not all day but you just wouldn't get cold because it was so much fun.
All tho I would like to still play in it, I think it is a little colder now and I don't want to stay out any longer than I have too.
When you think about it , can't you just feel the the time when you were a kid and it was so much fun. ENJOY IF YOU ARE READING THIS